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Nightly Business Report: State of the Labor Market

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK CEO Jon Nobis discusses current hiring trends

The economy has remained solid in 2017, continuing momentum from the last few previous years and that has led to an unemployment rate that's stuck right around four percent. This can create challenges for growing franchise brands like Michigan-based TWO MEN AND A TRUCK when it comes to attracting and retaining good employees, and was the topic of a recent segment on Nightly Business Report produced by CNBC.

"We are absolutely hiring," Nobis told NBR. "We are identifying the great people in this country who will do the work. But at the same time for us to grow, we know that because of the tight labor market we need to find alternative ways to deliver that same service and we are introducing those methods to the country through things like our Value Flex interstate program."

Nobis added that the company has found ways to incentivize employees in order to retain the great workers already in the system

Click here to watch the entire segment.

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